Can I do Aerobics?
Absolutely! You don't have to be super fit to attend - this class will MAKE you fit! Aerobics (like all of my classes) is suitable for all fitness abilities. Participants are encouraged to work at their own pace and every exercise can be adapted to suit your needs and your level of fitness. The main thing is to keep moving and don't give up, as long as you're doing something, you're working! The more you attend, the fitter you will become! However, if you do have any medical conditions, injuries or if you are taking any medications that effect your heart, please seek advice from your doctor prior to participating.
What if I can’t follow the steps at first?
Don’t worry! As long as you are moving and having fun, then you’ll be getting a great workout. Just have fun with this class! I try to ensure that my classes are as easy-to-follow as possible. Each time you come you’ll get more familiar with the steps, and with practice you will soon see how quickly you will master them!
What should I wear?
Loose fitting and comfortable clothing or athletic clothing, with comfortable running shoes or trainers. Look out for shoes that provide shock asborbency and cushioning for impact, as this will help prevent stress on joints.
What do I need to bring along?
Please bring along a bottle of water!
Do I need to book before coming to class?
Yes, pre-booking is essential as spaces are limited in order to follow social-distancing guidelines at this time. Booking opens 48 hours before the scheduled class, and closes 3 hours before it’s start time. To book please click here.